Yoga is excellent technique to help people control their mental and physical health. Yoga offer final salvation to relieve unhappiness and certain result from poor human health. Practicing yoga is beneficial to maintenance human health. Yoga can maintain both mental and physical health without drinking pill or potions. Yoga helps people to overcome mental depression and create good balance for body and soul. Yoga increase capacity of work and brain by increasing memory and power of mind.
There are some yoga asanas and eight limbs include yama, asana, niyama, pranayama, dharana, dhyana, pratyahara and smadhi. The yama is standing for ahimsa, respect and tolerance to other people, objective in any action, feeling and observing. Satya is teaching people about speak and think truthfully. The asteya is teaching people abstaining from stealing. Brahmacharya or celibacy is focus of mind with the parabrahma at high level consciousness. Niyama limbs are teaching people about 5 concepts of contentment, cleanliness, penance, ishwari pranidhana and swadhyaya. Santoshadanuttama sukha labha is talking about truly happy and content of state of mind. Practicing yama, niyama, and asana of yoga can make people able to gain control body, mind and soul together in harmony. Yoga asana help people to conditioning the body, mind and soul from health diseases.
If you decide to practice yoga, you should involve in considerable of self discipline in diet and activities. Practicing diet should consist of healthy foods and provide strong well-being. You may practice yoga in various levels. It is beneficial for any human activity. Practicing yoga asanas should be clean and perform well. You do not be performed in unclean or offensive smell. In yoga world, every yoga practitioner should work up light sweat. In this condition, people should rub down perspiration on the body before take a bath. Yoga asanas should not be exposed to breeze for one hour. Perspiration should be rub down on the body before taking a bath in hot water. Yoga practitioner must be respect and obey to God, guru and their parents. Yoga is beneficial for all ages and gender from child up to older people. It is not recommended to practice yoga for pregnant women. Practicing yoga asanas regularly can rejuvenate the body and give relief to ailment of mind and body.
In yoga, you can practice some awesome asanas and get their benefits for human health. Sun salutation or surya namaskara is starting point to practice yoga by salutation to the sun. This yoga asanas provide happiness in the body, mind and sense. This yoga asana is good for heart. If you can practice it in regular performer, it is possible for you to live long time, health and strong. Kukkutasana asana is excellent yoga asana to reduce formation of phlegm in the chest. Kukkutasana asana is beneficial for heart health, lung and cardiovascular system. It also can strengthening the back and chest as well.