Yoga For Bad Breath
No matter how strong personality but because of bad -smelling often you have to face such problems . Usually the cause of bad breath problems are related to digestion and breathing . So there are some yoga help remedy these problems can be overcome and bad breath .
Singh posture
The first open mouth and slowly stop breathing , his tongue out and eyes fully open.
Remove as much as tongue can pull out . If desired with expiration – even with the mouth can remove the voice , the more effective it will be .
Yoga Pose
First sit in the lotus posture . Keep the eyes closed and breathing normally .
Tilt down from the waist up is now part of the forehead touching the floor . Stay in this position a few seconds and then go back to normal .
Repeat this asana eight or ten times .
Shitli Pranayama
You sit in the lotus posture or vajraana .
Place the palms on the knees and keep breathing normally .
Take your tongue and palate Cuate from now .
Breathe through the mouth for some time in this state .
First Sit down
Straighten your spine and relax your abdomen.
Breathe normally for a few seconds to relax your mind and body.
Start exhaling forcefully through your nose. As your exhale each time your abdomen should sink in with rhythm.
The exhaling action should take place in a steady rhythm; one exhalation per second. However the inhalation should happen automatically.This aasan is very beneficial for lead bad breath . if you can fight these problems, your issues of bad breath will go off gradually.
Sheetali Pranayama :
Sit with your legs crossed in a padmasana.
Keep both hands on your thighs.
Now open your mouth and curl your tongue inwards to form a tube.
Inhale through this tongue-made tube.
Agnisar Kriya :–
This asana can be practiced both in seated and as well as standing position.
Stand straight with your feet together.
Hold both sides of your waist with the palms. Your thumb should be towards the naval and the other fingers towards your back.
Breathe normally.
Step away your right leg from the left one such that there is a distance of 12-14 inches between them.
Now inhale and bend forward to place both your hands on your knees.
You should not look down; look straight to a point in front of you.
Exhale with force blowing your stomach like a balloon. Hold for 2 seconds.
Inhale again deeply retaining the breath for 2 seconds.
Repeat this stomach pumping procedure for 5 times. After you do this inhalation and exhalation process for 5 times, you have completed one round.
Repeat 5 other rounds taking a 5 seconds break between each round.
Under the supervision of a qualified instructor to make these rugs a part of your routine will be easier to get rid of bad breath though yoga for bad breath .