Yoga is a powerful treatment to improve human health. Yoga came from 5,000 years ago in India. The ancient yoga was found in the Rig Vada (one of the sacred text of Vedic priest). Yoga is powerful spiritual enlightenment. When you are learning yoga at yoga teacher training in India, you will know all history of yoga include all benefits. Yoga technique was passed down from yoga teacher to the yoga student by mouth. Some yoga technique has written in a systematic method.
Once you join in yoga teacher training in India, you might learn about the eight limbs of yoga. Patanjali yoga is concerned to father of yoga. According to yoga Patanjali, you will learn 8 limbs of yoga with awesome goal enlightenment. The eight limbs of yoga are included; Yuma (abstain from stealing, violence, greed, lust), niyam (learn about discipline, contentment, purity, devotion), pranayama (learn about breath controlling), Pratyahara (learn about to withdraw attention from outside people), dharana (learn about concentration), Dhyana (learn about meditation) and Samadhi (learn about universal consciousness). Learning yoga at yoga teacher training in India is an exciting fun and experience. Learning with a good yoga teacher at yoga teacher training will make you get success to develop health and body immune system. Yoga is also a powerful indoor exercise to create calm and peaceful mind.
Many people in the whole world realize that yoga becomes the most popular alternative exercise to build strong and healthy physical body. Yoga becomes an essential part in human life. Many people were believed that Yoga has great advantages for healthy people. Many modern people are practicing yoga to make their life feel normal and peaceful. They learn and practice Yoga in different Yoga poses and postures. The internet is a great way to learn about history of Yoga. There are many Yoga videos available on the internet. Yoga is not only for adult people but also can practiced for kids and babies. The modern era which balance with problem complex and high technology make people have forced to strong life and competitive. Many modern people were stressed and unhappy with their life. For this reason, many people are starting practice Yoga exercise to improve and control their self control and confidence. Some of them were using Yoga for health purpose. Yoga is an excellent way to build strong connection all body parts, mind and soul.
Based on the history of yoga, Swami Vivekananda brings it to America country in 1893. In America, yoga becomes popular as an excellent treatment for stress elimination. Living in crowded city makes people feel stress in high level with complex problems. Yoga becomes major popularity in America and other western countries in different styles such as; Hatha yoga, Bikram yoga, and Iyengar yoga. Learning and practicing yoga at yoga teacher training in India will help you to know and understanding all history of yoga properly. Many yoga practitioners realize that yoga gives great advantages for human health in the modern era. Yoga teacher training in India is an excellent place to develop or create healthy, empower and valuable life.