Variety of Diseases Treated by Yoga 1

Variety of Diseases Treated by Yoga

Poor food habits, fast foods, lack of interest in physical activity, high calorie food, oily food, spicy food are the causes for obesity. This obesity makes the body prone to a variety of diseases. Soon the body becomes the center for all these diseases.
Yogic Treatment
Surya namsakara, yoga mudra, ushtrasana, ardha halasana, sarvangasana, halasana, pavan muktasana, leg excercises, cycling, morning work are highly beneficial for obesity. All the asanas of pranayama can be used except for Sheetali sheetkari and chandrabhedan.  Kapalabhati, neti and vamana kriya under shuddhi kriya and all the three bandhas also have proved to be great at working on obesity. All these asanas will not only reduce the excess weight but also work on the diseases that follow obesity.

Symptoms of piles in all the patients are not the same. But we can identify few common symptoms such as blood seen along with stools. Piles is of two types one is internal and the other being external. The wart is found internal in the case of internal haemorrhoids and they are found outside in the case of external haemorrhoids.

Obesity, anxiety, nervousness, not practicing asanas, intake of unhealthy food, constipation, eating more of oily and spicy food etc form the main cause for the piles. In order to eradicate any problem we should first try to act on the reason causing it to happen. Hence we should treat root cause of the disease first in order to eradicate it completely.

Yogic Treatment
Sarvanga asana, matsyasana, sheershasana, hand stand, chakrasana, uttana asana, tada asana, surya namaskara, pada hasta asana, bhujanga asana, supta vajrasana and ashwini mudra and moola shodhana under shuddhi kriya can give best results in this case.

You should take in very light food, easily digestible, your food should mostly include vegetables and fruits and copious amounts of water. Juice and herbal tea are also very good for this purpose. However one who suffers with piles should not take heavy and non-vegetarian food.

Reproductive Organs
Problems related to ovaries, uterus, vagina and other sex related issues, menstrual cycle related issues, discharge of contaminated water etc found in ladies are the symptoms.

Yogic Treatment
Surya namaskara, padangusthana asana, garudasana, kandharasana, ardha matsyendrasana, matsyasana, tholagulasana, tadasana, bhujanga asana, marjari asana, setubandha asana, ushtrasana, yoga mudra are effective for this problem. Mayura asana and brahmacharya asana are also very helpful for men.

Anumloma, viloma, nadi shodhana, ujjayi, bhramari mudra, ashwini mudra and three bandhas, agnisas kriya and nauli are all beneficial for this problem.

Pain and swelling in testicles.

Yogic Treatment
Vajrasana is the best for this problem. Surya namaskara, vatayanasan, garudasana along with ashwini mudra, moola bandha are effective to treat hydrocele.

Feeling sleepless during nights due to tension and depression, trying to sleep but not being able to sleep, simply rolling over the bed for hours together are the symptoms of insomnia. Not being able to sleep again if disturbed while sleeping. Waking up too early in the morning and not feeling fresh in the morning are all the symptoms of insomnia.
High blood pressure, over eating, frequently feeling hungry, excess intake of coffee and tea are the causes of insomnia.
Yogic Treatment
Bhramari, Ujjayi, anuloma, viloma and tratak under shatkarma and kapalabhati are highly beneficial for insomnia.
Physical inactivity also causes lethargy, insomnia and sleeplessness. Thus everyone should allot some time in their daily routine for any kind of physical activity such as yoga. Practice of yoga in the morning or in the evening can easily eradicate insomnia. Reading a book before sleeping is also a good habit. You can also meditate for a while before going to bed so that your mind feels relaxed and relieved of stress and pressure and prepares you for a good sleep.

Irregular periods, painful periods, not occur as per the cycle, occurring either too early or too late etc are its symptoms. It may result in head ache, irritability, dehydration and constipation and becoming vulnerable to other side effects.
Yogic Treatment
Padmasana, gomukhasana, paschomottana asana, vaddha konasana, jana sheershasana can be practiced. Anuloma, viloma, nadi shodhana, bhramari, ujjayi etc under pranayama, ashwini mudra, moola bandha and jalandhara bandha can be helpful.
Sheershasana, sarvanga asna, vipareeta karani, uddiyana bandha, agnisara and nauli should not be practiced during the menstrual periods. You should strictly follow easily digestible vegetarian diet.

Nervousness, sleeplessness, head ache, shivering of hands, anger, raise in BP levels, pain in stomach, constipation, gas formation in stomach, dehydration, etc are the symptoms.
Yogic Treatment
Same as the treatment for anxiety.

Swelling of the throat, sore throat, tumours in throat are few symptoms. Apart from these headache, fever, back ache, pain in ears, aversion for taste also are some more symptoms. You may not be able to speak at times. All these constitute the symptoms of throat infection.
Boil tea powder in water, filter it and add salt. Drinking this warm enough can give instant relief in such situation.
Yogic Treatment
Jalandhar bandha, jivhabandha, matsyasana, setubandhasana, sarvangasana, halasana, pavan muktasana and surybhedan, ujjayi and bhramari under pranayama and neti and vaman kriya under shuddhi kriya can eliminate all kinds of throat related problems.

Ulcers in stomach and duodenal ulcer can be seen in the form of gastric. Ulcer in stomach is called peptic ulcer. It is most common type of ulcer found in most of the people.
Burning sensation in heart, indigestion of food, pain in the upper part of your stomach, aversion to food, loss of weight, stools might be black in colour sometimes.
Yogic Treatment
Both peptic and duodenal ulcers can be treated by the practice of pavana muktasana, vajrasana and yogic sukshma vyayam and anuloma, viloma, nadi shidhana, ujjjayi, Bhramari etc uder pranayama. Along with these you should drink a lot of water and eat a lot of bananas. Milk and juice also are good.

We come across two types of thyroid problems most often. They are hypo thyroid and hyper thyroid. Hypothyroid is cause by low production of thyroid harmones while hyperthyroid os caused due to excess production of thyroid harmones.
Depression, weight loss or weight gain are the symptoms.
Yogic Treatment
Sarvangasana works excellently well for both types of thyroid problems. Along with this you should also practice surya namsakara, halasana, setubandhasana, matsyasana, ushtrasana, yoga mudra etc. Ujjayi and bhramari under pranayama and jivha bandha and jalandhara bandha under bandhas, vaman kriya and neti under shuddhi kriya also are very helpful.

Most of the people in India are affected by migraine. Almost all the efforts of the doctors in this area went futile. However a simple kriya like neti in yoga can very effectively address this issue.

The yoga teacher training in India does not only train you with asanas but also teaches to influence your life through yoga practice.



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