Yoga Practice

Possible Causes of Impediments in Yoga Practice

The seeker of yoga might have to face various kinds of hurdles caused by either the people around or by the nature. The nature also tends to test him in several ways. The world constantly tries to degrade and discourage one’s ability. History has cited myriad cases of such incidents. There is not a single person to quote who has seen success without being nagged by the world. Every person who sought the path to enlightenment had to struggle through hardships. They moved on their path to salvation with firm resolution in spite of the criticism and dejection they have received from the world. They had to be very precarious throughout their in order to avoid both known and unanticipated problems. Maharaja Swatmaramji also insisted on the importance of the seeker to stay alert to avoid difficulties in Hath Yoga Pradeepika.


अत्याहारः प्रथासष्च प्रजलपो नियमग्रह |

जनसंगष्च लौल्यं च शादशियोगों विनश्यति ||

Atyahar – Overeating, Prayaas – stretching your body beyond its capability, Prajalp – being loquacious, Niyamgrah – binding to regulations, Jansang  – socializing with people and Loulyam – fickle nature of mind form the six major types of obstacles that can impede the practice of yoga.

Atyahar (Effects of Overeating)

Overeating forms the first and foremost impediment for the progress of yoga seeker. Because the entire energy is invested in digesting the food the seeker seems to appear gloomy and dull. Overlarge meals are not treated effectively as a consequence, although some food is properly handled, the rest remains in the body, undigested. On the contrary, one who eats not beyond the limits will stay fit, pleasant and lives longer. Overeating forms the cause for obesity which retards the physical and mental metabolism of the human body. The progress of seeker becomes impossible in this state, whereas one who eats as per normal standards can continue the practice without any hurdles. Normally, half part of one fourth of the stomach that is one eighth of the stomach should be filled with food and one part of the stomach should be left for water and one part for air. Yoga Faculty trains you to follow proper diet which can keep you fit and healthy keeping pace with your daily routine.


Prayaas (Excess practice)

Excessive practice of yoga also impede the progress. Trying to forcibly stretch excessively in order to achieve perfection in posture should be avoided in all possible conditions. Because, this leads to more side effects than any benefit to the body. Yoga must be practiced slowly with patience and confidence without any hurry whether it is asan or pranayama. Intention to progress rapidly can only retard the pace of your progress. So it is better to move on slowly and steadily in step by step manner. All the branches of Yoga Faculty observe a strict schedule of training. Our trainers continuously strive to design your sessions based on individual needs and help everyone to achieve perfection in postures at their own pace.



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