Chakrasana so to say it because it looks similar to the body cycle. Believe me, it’s easy to make the body strong and flexible is nothing short of a strength training exercise.
Cycle (chakrasana yoga or Wheel Posture) means wheel. The person in this position, so it looks similar to the shape of the wheel Ckrasana says. This asana is also equated to the urdhav Dhanurasana.
Duration / Repeat:
Chakrasana the choice can be from 30 seconds to one minute. Can repeat it two or three times.
Chakrasana method:
Lie down in Shavasana first.
Then knees bent, feet firmly on the ground with wings buttocks find the ankles.
Bend the elbows and place the palms of the hands on the shoulders back a little difference.
In this position, elbows and knees are up.
Breathe entering the soles and palms on the strength of waist – abdomen and chest towards the sky lift and head to waist.
Then slowly try to bring the hands and feet near the toes, the body will be shaped like a circle.
Now slowly exhale breath to loosen the body, hands – feet off the toes to the waist and shoulders resting on the ground. And again in the position of Shavasana return.
Slip disc, ulcers, hernia and heart patient, keep away from this posture, because it could exacerbate the problem . A better option is that you can sum it up in consultation with a yoga instructor. It is the easiest method.
Chakrasana is more challenging than other yoga postures. If you are unable to do this asana Do not strain.
Chakrasana advantage:
By flexible spine keeps the body from aging.
There is strength in the body and elation.
The spine, shoulders, waist, back, abdomen, maintaining a healthy empowers all.
The cardiovascular system is running smoothly.
Strong arm, biceps, triceps and fit body. If you are seeking to build Dole Ckrasn is the better choice for you. Dole will help you not only back pain but it also has the strength to leave forever.