Yoga is giving great benefit for human health. Some abdominal organ likes uterus become detached from support pelvic bones and drop from the original location. It’s cause of pelvic muscle weakness and make pressure internal. This condition may occur if our ligament holds the organ in place become weak due lack of exercise and damage by excessive straining during childbirth/constipation. Strengthening body muscle after prolapsed is very difficult but yoga is an excellent way to help people provide relief and rectifying the situation of great extent. Practicing yoga is a powerful treatment to keep stay healthy and fresh life styles. There are some yoga poses during yoga training course. First Naukasana yoga poses or base pose. Naukasana yoga poses is working lie on your back with arm by your own side and get relaxed in the few deep breathe. When you are inhaling breathes deeply and slowly, you can raise your trunk, legs, and arms and head simultaneously. You can stiff them and balance on your bottom. The hands, feet and shoulder should at the same height off the floor. You should hold this pose as long as you can. For a beginner yoga practitioner, it might be difficult. But, you will get hang of it. When you exhale breathe slowly, you return to starting position. You can relax completely and wait for the next fresh breathe in order to become normal and repeat the exercise again. It is recommended to practice this exercise 5 times in a week.
Second, you can practice uttanpadasana pose or raised foot pose. This yoga pose is working lie on your back and lift one leg up as high as you can. You can keep this pose flat. You should hold this pose position for twenty second and bring it back down slowly. It is recommended to practice the same thing with other legs and repeat this pose 5 times in a week. Third, you can practice paschimottanasana pose or seated forward bend pose. Paschimottanasana pose is working sit with your own legs stretch out in front of you. During you breathe inhalation you can raise your hands up above you step by step or slowly. Next, you can breathe exhale slowly as you practice bend forward as far as you can and grasp your legs anywhere below your own knee. This is an ideal position with your fingers grasping your toes or sides of your feet with face in your own knee and elbows are touching the floor by the side of knees. By practicing this yoga pose, you will get achievable sooner. You can bend your head until your chin touch your own body and hold this position, breathe for five slow inhalation and exhalation in order to start with and raise 20 breathe to make you more comfortable. Yoga is preventive emotional and mental health maintenance. Yoga is a powerful exercise to train mind and inner peace. Yoga is a powerful indoor exercise to help people who are suffering from stress level and panic attack. Nowadays, in modern life, many people get stressed and panic in their daily activities. With yoga nauksana pose, you can manage your stress management level and live in a healthy way.