Practicing yoga padma baksana is a great way to lose belly fat. Yoga padma bakasana is focus to maintain abdominal area and generate quicker result for other exercise. Abdominal exercise is no way to lose belly fat and help people to build strength muscle in abdominal area. But, yoga is the right solution to lose belly fat as well. Yoga padma bakasana provide with great knowledge to help people burn abdominal fat and flat your belly. There are some abdominal exercises available in yoga padma bakasana pose. Then, you can choose the right exercise and practice it regularly.
1.You lie on mat with back and let your own feet flat touch into the ground. You should let your hands 90 degree angle to the body and press to the ground. You breathe in and out. While you are breathing out, you shift the knees to left side as to reach the ground/floor. With this pose, you will get tense feel at your belly side and practice same exercise on other sides. You can practice this exercise 5 times.
2.You lay on the back flat on the mat surface. You lift up the legs and upper body at 30 degree angle. You can practice this position for 30 seconds and come back to initial position. You also can repeat this asana for 10-30 minutes in a day.
3.You lay the back on the ground and put your own hands on your side. You curl up the head and without use any effort from arms, you lift up yourself.
4.You lay the back bend the knees and keep your feet flat on the floor at 90 degree angle. You keep the hands at the back of head. You can try pull the knees toward the chest while breathe in. You lift upper body to 30 degree angle with hold for 3 seconds and release the breathe out. You practice this pose for 15 times.
5.Your knee down with heel pointing upward direction. You pull the head to the ground and feel the tension on the belly. You hold this period for 10 seconds and get back to initial position. You practice this pose for 10 times.
6.You sit on the knees and let your won heel touch the buttock. You keep the hands on the belly and shift the head in the direction of ground. With this pose, you will feel tension on the belly. With hold this pose for 30 seconds and get back to the initial position. You practice this pose for 10 times.
7.You lay on back flat on the ground and bend the knee at 90 degree angle. You raise the hips slightly higher and you hold this position for 5-10 seconds. You can practice this pose for 15 times.
8.The kneel down and point the heel upward direction. You push the belly part outwards while put the arms on the knees and arch the back. You practice this pose for 10 times.
9.You lay the body flat on the ground while you keep the hands at back of head. You keep the feet over bench or chair. You upper the legs at 90 degree angle. You can tense the abdomen by raising the upper back from the ground.
10.You lay the back on mat by place the hands at the back of head. You can tense the abdominal area and with hold this pose for 2 seconds and then back to the initial position. You can repeat this pose for 15 times.
11.You lay the back flat on the floor over mat and pretend cycling by move your own legs. You can make gradual pedal motion alternative with your legs. You practice this exercise for 30 seconds.